Helix Nebula, which has taken the shape of an eye. Believe it or Not! ASTRONOMERS have taken a stunning photo of this heavenly EYE watching us from outer space. It has a blue pupil on a white area, fringed by flesh-coloured eyelids — and it has been dubbed The Eye of God. But this eye is so big that light takes 2½ years to cross and it contains whole galaxies. The object — looking like the Big Brother eye — is actually a shell of gas and dust blown off by a star 700 light years away in the constellation of Aquarius. Called the Helix Nebula, it can be seen vaguely by amateurs using small telescopes. It was snapped with a giant telescope at the European Southern Observatory on a mountain at La Silla in Chile. Experts say our own solar system will meet a similar fate five billion years from now.
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